Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
Find your path to a healthier younger future
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What is Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine

Slowing the effects of aging is critical to a long, healthy and happy life. The earlier you implement strategies to preserve or establish excellent health, the greater the impact. It is never too late to optimize your health.  

Discoveries and new technologies are occurring at an increasing pace which will have additional beneficial impacts, especially with use of best current approaches to extend your life and health span.
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Anti-Aging & Regenerative

We focus on improving healthspan, reversing health conditions, slowing biologic aging, and healthier lifestyle.
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Our Philosophy to Caring for Your Needs

Your health should go beyond preventative medicine. We optimize your wellness for better longevity.
About our Philosophy

Our Knowledge Can Treat Your Conditions

Medical conditions and lifestyle accelerate aging; we work to slow and reverse these processes.
Conditions we treat

Our Approach to You and Your Treatment

Our approach is holistic –we understand the connection of your mind, body, diet, stress, and sleep patterns.
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Your path to wellness through regenerative medicine is a holistic approach.

We carefully evaluate your health to develop a plan to optimize your health.

Aging is felt to be caused by multiple issues including genomic instability and oxidative damage on a cellular level. On a more practical level, we know that healthspan is dramatically impacted by avoidable markers of aging such as vascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, non-alcohol fatty liver disease, obesity, sarcopenia, osteoporosis, susceptibility to infections, and cancers.  

For individuals who don't have these conditions yet, optimizing health with a focus on minimizing risk of developing health conditions is critical to a long and healthy life.  

We focus on wellbeing, decreasing your risk of developing health condition, and reversing and slowing aging. Extension of life expectancy and healthspan can often be achieved by individualized medical care, with optimized lifestyle, including diet, exercise, stress reduction, and improved sleep cycles.

Dr. and Mrs. Fraser will partner with you to provide a pathway to help you feel better and optimize your health.

Lifestyle Coaching

Your path to regeneration also depends on wellbeing


Providing evidence-based guidance on your diet to improve energy and overall health.


Incrementally and safely move toward improved fitness for increased energy or weight loss.


Cortisol curve testing and other monitoring to advize on stress reduction.


Provide advice and tools to assist you with sleep.
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