Lifestyle Coaching

Your personalized wellness trainer

Intro to Lifestyle Coaching

What it all means

Lifestyle coaching has multiple domains, each of which impacts health, quality of life and longevity.

We know that optimizing one’s life in these areas can have profound impacts on our physical and mental health! The goal is incremental change, with individualized advice, and providing you with the details needed to implement changes.    

Areas of high interest for us, are the conditions that are leading to loss of quality years of life:


Exercise can be a love it or hate it experience. We will work with you to get started on implementing positive change with realistic goals and recommendations. If you aren't exercising at all, start with some small goals like just getting moving a bit, which can be the start towards being healthier.


Nutrition is one of the most important, and often overlooked areas of maintaining health. Most doctors (MD's, DO's) have virtually no formal education in nutrition. Caused by diet and lifestyle, cardiometabolic conditions are the number one cause of death and disability. This is why we think it is important to have evidence based approaches to optimize one's nutrition.


Stress is complex, but must be recognized as a risk factor for early death and vascular disease. We can work with you on both the medical consequences, and some tools to mitigate stress. One of the most important factors is simply the identification of stress as a health risk and implementing change to improve. Hormone normalization, and assessment of Cortisol Curve is also a component of care in this domain.


Assessment of sleep quality and length is another factor critical to health. Sleep patterns are now fairly easy to track and understand. Inadequate quality sleep leads to weight gain, early death, and increased mental health issues. We can help you assess your sleep and implement strategies to improve your sleep.

We should go after the root cause of the biggest amount of human suffering. We've managed to extend lifespans in loads of ways in the past, but the frontier now is the treatment of aging.
― Dr. Andrew Steele